Robyn James

I am, first and foremost, a seeker.


Secondly, I am a connecter: everything I do comes down to connecting more deeply with oneself, with others, with God.

And I have a secret.

As a longtime marketer, strategist, and brand builder, my work is actually about personal development. I am a soul guide masquerading as a brand consultant.

This unique intersection of soul and strategy has allowed me to serve in a special way:

While I’ve helped to build hundreds of corporate brands, my zone of genius lies in building personal brands. Soul identity must inform brand identity; I can’t activate one without going deep into the other.

My love for strategy and business was sparked at Queen’s University where I obtained my B. Comm in Marketing, but it was set ablaze in my entrepreneurial career. The world of commerce fascinates me, but truthfully, it also repulses me.

There is so much to learn and yet so much to unlearn. Tricks and gimmicks and inauthenticity and greed run rampant.

It was this tension that shone a light on my calling, though I didn’t realize it then, when I (naively, optimistically) quit my corporate job. But I see it now: I’m here to help usher in a new paradigm of business, leadership, and entrepreneurship. And if you’re reading this, you probably are too.

Blending these two worlds that I love – soul and strategy – has given me a unique edge to do this. My work, my approach, my expertise cannot be boiled down into being a “marketer”, or a “brander”, or a “business advisor”, or even a “personal development coach”.

I've been called everything from a brand psychic and business therapist, to a master strategist and brand-builder, to an agency owner and a "website girl" (that last one still makes me cringe).

In fact, it's been my own difficulties with expressing my multidimensionality that brought me to this work in the first place.

Who am I, really? What is my actual purpose? How does that come to life within my brand & business? Who do I actually want to help, and how? What do I truly want to be known for?

By going down far too many rabbit holes to answer these questions for myself, I – as a byproduct – cultivated and created the tools, systems, and understanding to help give my clients these answers. (You're welcome.)

A logo badge that says "the best brands are built from the soul up."

My journey has been full of paradoxes and juxtapositions, the most ironic of which is that now, I know, that my purpose is all about helping others fully step into their leadership, authority, influence, and “celebrity.”

To help them be truly seen in their power, magic, and gifts. To build strong, sustainable businesses that can hold and support them (not the other way around), creating abundance from a place of ease and alignment. To unleash their brilliance and light into the world, creating a ripple effect of beauty, truth, and love.

Yet, this has been the hardest thing for me to embody. I have fears of shining too brightly, of failing, of being “imperfect”, of being disliked or misunderstood. These fears had me saying yes to other peoples’ visions rather than my own for far too long.

I entered a number of business partnerships that didn’t serve me, and took on projects and clients that didn’t align with my gifts or values. I found excuse after excuse and distraction after distraction, telling God “thanks for this big vision you’ve given me! I’ll get to it once I make more money / systemize my business / rebrand for the 17th time / feel more confident / move to a new country / change my name” (kidding… kind of).

Cue many years of resistance and resentment; of being broke and burnt out.
Literally and figuratively brought to my knees, more times than I can count.


It takes a great amount of awareness, resilience, patience, and faith to alchemize it from a wound into wisdom. And with that wisdom, we change the world.

This journey of seeking led me to realize that my deepest purpose can be boiled down to one thing: building Soulbrands™. From where I stand, your soul is the part of you that is in direct communion with God. It has already downloaded the instruction manual of you; your only job is to clear the signal so you can read it properly. Building a SoulbrandTM is more about chiselling away and polishing up what’s already there than it is about adding / deleting / editing.

I am here to build a movement rooted in integrity, service, and love, where our truest purpose & expression is activated in the context of our brand & business. Where money and success is simply a byproduct of authenticity and alignment. Where we thoughtfully, intentionally, sustainably build our legacy the same way we would build a skyscraper: going deeeeep into the foundation to build something that will stand the test of time.

I don’t care for one-hit-wonders or overnight success stories. This is our life’s work, and should be treated with the reverence it deserves.

If you’re ready to say yes to the calling placed on your heart, yes to unleashing your full brilliance, and yes to changing the world in the way only you can, you’re in the right room. Like stars in the sky, we each have our own unique light to shine… and when we come together, each aligned with our true purpose, we can create constellations that illuminate the world.

Here’s what makes me come alive

Giving someone a perspective shift that unlocks a deeper layer of their purpose, vision, and expression.

Following my curiosities by researching brand strategy, marketing, business design, spirituality, and personal development

Coming up with new ways to teach complex topics (systems are my love language)

Making things more beautiful and organized (from my wardrobe to my digital tools to my clients’ brands)

Having deep, soul-expanding conversations with new and old friends

Sharing beautiful, organic food with beautiful, authentic people

Spending time alone to think, plan, ideate, dream, and create

Traveling to new and familiar places, noticing how different parts of the world activate different parts of my identity. (Fun fact: I did a university semester in Warsaw, a very special city and a great landing pad for bouncing around Europe)

Music. All of it. (Another fun fact: I am a classically trained pianist, and could play Chopin and Debussy all day)

Being asked to share my advice, wisdom, or stories (I’ll just be over here following my Projector strategy of “waiting for the invitation”)

Making people feel so, so seen