March 10, 2022

The key to building your personal brand (it's not what you think)

What if the true work of building a magnetic brand was less about becoming something or someone...

In my 10+ years in the entrepreneurial, branding, marketing, and sales world, I have noticed that most people in this field (myself included) are always working so hard to become 'better'.

We are all on an endless pursuit to become –

a better speaker.

a better writer.

a better designer.

a better marketer.

a better seller.

a better leader.

There is always a new lesson to learn, a new strategy to master, a new skill to sharpen, a new craft to hone.

But what if the true work of building a magnetic brand was less about becoming something or someone...

and more about unbecoming.

Unbecoming all of the things you think you have to be, or all the things that other people want you to be. Unbecoming everything that is not the truest expression of you.

What if you just stopped trying so hard.

What if you were already good enough.

(Let that sink in.)

Unbecoming is easier said than done, though. Oftentimes we don't even know what our truest self is, let alone how to express it in the context of our business and brand.

And unfortunately, there's no strategy or step-by-step solution. No one can tell you how to do it but you.

It takes continual discovery and deconditioning.

A never-ending practice of curiosity and connection; of unfolding and unravelling.

The true work of brand building is to strip away the noise, the "shoulds", the non-essential. To clean up anything creating distortion in your field so you can be seen, clearly, for who you are.

Unbecoming is not for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to go on this adventure, there's a masterpiece waiting on the other end.

The masterpiece is you.

Robyn James holding a cell phone.

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