December 16, 2021

The Power of Focus: What’s your brand’s “one thing”?

Simplifying your vision by letting your soul lead.

I recorded this video for my agency, Studio Co.Creative, in May 2021. Before I tell you why I had a hard time taking my own advice, have a quick watch:

Shortly after recording this, I had the intuitive nudge to shift direction in my business. I had just re-branded Studio Co.Creative and was now starting to do some marketing again, but something felt a bit off.

And truthfully, this made me feel a bit embarrassed. Here I had (finally) been following my own advice and focusing on my “one thing”, and it’s already changing!?

I knew where my heart was leading me (here), but here were a few ideas I was playing with:

  1. Focus on just The Brand Capsule️™ – create a course, promote the service, write a book, create a licensing program.
  2. Focus on just The Soulcademy️™ – re-launch the community, create courses and content, grow the membership.
  3. Focus on just my brand – create courses and content for entrepreneurs, continue to grow the consulting arm of my business.

(If you noticed, Co.Creative wasn’t on this list.)

For a number of months, I genuinely thought I had to pick just one of these options. I thought I had to focus, simplify, eliminate. But the truth is…

My capacity just wasn’t big enough to hold all of them at once.
My nervous system was too fried to feel safe with the holding and stretching of all of these ideas.

And this was mostly because I was holding too many misaligned, toxic, and fear-based things; they were taking up too much real estate in my mind and energy.

So of course I couldn’t hold the bigness of all the good things! Of course I had a hard time communicating the “one thing” I want to be known for, because there were too many of the not-good things clouding my identity and desires!

Now I see: my “one thing” is actually not a particular brand or business. It’s simply soul and strategy. And whether you experience it through my courses, my consulting work, my agency work, my community, online, or out on the streets, that’s the essence behind it all. Same driver, different vehicles.

I am practicing holding all of these vehicles through which my passion, expertise, and learnings in soul & strategy come to life.

My vehicles may change over time.
My “one thing” may change over time.

And as I get more comfortable with holding more, I’ll be able to make decisions on how those things change – based purely on my intentions and desires, and not skewed by the cloudiness of misalignment or toxicity or fear.

The reason why I share this so openly is because I know I’m not the only one experiencing this.

And because I don’t want you, dear entrepreneur, to listen to anyone else when it comes to discovering your “one thing”. Maybe for you it is a business, or an industry, or a talent, or an essence or vibe, or a cause, or a way of thinking. Maybe it’s all of those things rolled up into one unique mega-thing.

The point is, you have to decide what you want to be known for, and then… decide to go all in on living it. And anything that gets in the way of you living it (like a fried nervous system or fear-based stories) can be healed or re-examined.

P.S. I am still an advocate for simplicity and elimination, but now with a different perspective. Consider scrapping anything that doesn’t align with your true purpose and vision, even if it makes good strategic or business sense. Clear out the noise, the clutter, the “shoulds” – and let your soul lead the way.

Robyn James holding a cell phone.

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