This isn’t about me: Reflections on letting your work work you
The simplest version of soul + strategy.

As I sit here and prepare to launch this website, I’m staring at a blank blog page.
I have dozens of blogs from my other past and present websites, and hundreds of half-written posts scattered throughout my phone and journals and Google Drive.
It would be so easy to copy a few into this new blog just to get it started.
But… there’s a new voice emerging. One that is informed by my past, of course, but needing a space of its own to come through.
Familiar emotions of fear and doubt are swirling around me though, making it hard to think clearly and write from the heart. I pause to recalibrate – I know nothing good will come out of my mind or fingertips if I don’t – and as I feel the flood of worries and “not-enoughs”, one still, strong voice overrides it and says:
Ahh, there it is. The truth that quiets the fear.
This work is not about me. My struggles aren’t about me. My fears aren’t about me. My gifts and visions are not about me.
I am reminded that I am simply a vessel for God to work through, to heal through, to shine through. This isn’t about the frailty of my human ego – in fact, my only job is to make sure it doesn’t get in the way.
My desires are the clues, the bread crumbs. I simply need to follow them and act in accordance with what they are hinting at, and trust that God will take care of the rest.
The simplest version of soul + strategy.

So I ask you what I am asking myself:
Where have you been getting in your own way? Where have you let your fears, your ego, your not-enough-ness override the work that you know you were put here to do? What decisions have you made because you thought it’s what you were supposed to do, even though it didn’t feel in alignment? When have you wanted to give up because it was too hard or scary? When has your mindset or energetic state fucked you out of your creativity, your flow, your joy?
My guess: if you are doing your soul’s work, you fall into these traps all. the. time. When you find yourself there, remind yourself: this is not about you.
There are people we are here to help, and every moment we make this work about us is a moment we lose sight of the bigger picture.
In this with you and for you,