November 6, 2021

Welcome to the 3.0: Taking action in the pursuit of soul alignment

What my home renovation taught me about business renovations.

In March 2021, I launched a new website and brand for my company, Studio Co.Creative. I wrote a blog post outlining the reasons for this refresh and relaunch, explaining how the business has evolved and what the new vision is.

I ended the blog by writing:

My original purpose, to help mission-driven businesses create greater alignment & impact, is still there – but it’s now expanded and more focused. And my core business belief has been proven over time: the best brands truly are built from the soul up.

Change can be difficult to navigate, but it is essential in order to clear space for growth, impact, and abundance. Your brand isn’t an afterthought, or a cherry on top, or a splash of fresh paint – if you do it right, it goes straight to the core which can inform your next brilliant step.

I’m so excited about this next phase of my entrepreneurial journey, and I smile knowing that by taking this step into 2.0, I’m already clearing the way for 3.0

Intuitively, I knew that last sentence was more of a prophecy than a prediction. I just didn’t know how soon the 3.0 would appear.

I tell my clients all the time that changes to their brand, strategy, business model, or messaging is a fantastic thing. It means that they have taken action, learned and grown from successes and failures, and are recognizing that something needs to shift in order to re-align and expand.

But when you’re the one in that transition, it feels strangely vulnerable. It takes a different kind of honesty and courage to recognize what needs to change, and to actually take steps in that direction.

My husband and I renovated our condo at the beginning of this year, and as I watched the walls come down and new ones get built, it gave me a new perspective on what “aligned action” means.

We had a vision of what we wanted to do, and as we took action, the vision evolved. We spent more time and money than we intended (shocker), and even though we’re “done” there’s still always more to do.

I approached my business in the same way. I recognized what wasn’t in alignment for me, created a new vision, and started taking one step at a time. With each step, the vision changed form – sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically. (However, my deeper purpose has always remained the same.)

I didn’t burn the house down (literally or metaphorically), but I did take a few rooms down to the studs. Some things got scrapped, some things got a fresh coat of paint, some things got upgraded.

And there is still always more to do.

This iteration feels less like a 3.0, though, and more like a returning home. A full circle moment, coming back to my original entrepreneurial vision – just with a shit ton more experience and awareness.

I’m so excited about this next phase of my entrepreneurial journey, and I smile knowing that by taking this step into 3.0, I’m already clearing the way for 4.0.

Robyn James holding a cell phone.

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